What is the Week overview?

Easily synchronize your plans with those of your colleagues and teams, and stay up-to-date at a glance

What is the Week overview and what can I use it for?

With the new Week Overview at desk.ly, you have a convenient way to indicate your status, plan your workweek, see your existing bookings, identify any missing ones, and check your colleagues' plans for better coordination.

Features of the Week overview:

Adjust status

Keep your colleagues and teams up to date by regularly updating your status. This makes coordination easier, and you can look forward to seeing which colleagues will be present.

Here's how it works
  1. Select the day you want to share your status and click on "What is your status?". Choose between "Mobile work", "Office", or "Absent".
  2. Does your status stay the same for multiple days? Use the date selection to update your details with just a few clicks.
  3. To change a stored status, click on the entry and update your details in the window.

Tip:  You can permanently set recurring statuses in the settings.

View and complete bookings

Make sure you have all the necessary bookings for an optimal office day and add any missing ones.

Here's how it works: 
  1. Existing seat and zone bookings are displayed under the status display for the corresponding day of the week. Click on the relevant booking for more information.
  2. Not sure where your seat is? Click on the map icon to the left of the booking details to display it on the room plan.
  3. Missing a booking on a day when you need one? Click on "Book now" to conveniently access the booking area for seats.
Tip:  Use the calendar icon to change the week shown - it is located right before 'Monday'.  This allows you to finalize your plans for other weeks right away. How far into the future you can book depends on the configuration by your admin.

Create filters

In addition to the teams stored in the system by your admins, you can also easily create your own groups using filters. This allows you to optimize collaboration and planning, and easily see which office days you don't want to miss.

Here's how it works:
  1. Use the 'Search for colleagues' field to select all the colleagues you need for your selection.
  2. Use the filter plus icon ('Save new filter') to save the selected colleagues as a template and give the selection a name in the window that appears.
  3. To customize a filter you have created, you can either add more colleagues or remove colleagues that have already been added. Click on the respective person icon and remove them using the 'x'. Don’t forget to save your adjustments permanently using the save icon.
  4. All selected teams and filters are displayed grouped together in the list below. You can remove the display of individual groups from the view using the 'x' to the right of the team or filter name or clear the entire view by removing the filters using the no-filter icon ('Reset filter').
Tip: Do you actually work in Marketing, but are also active in the Afterwork team? Create your own filters for all (work) groups, and you'll have a complete overview. Why not create an 'Office Dog' team too? That way, you'll know right away which days to bring your furry friend to the office.